Lake Yojoa

We have been working so many long hours at the 'office' that we decided we needed a vacation from our vacation :) We took a trip out Lake Yojoa, about an hour or so North of Comayagua. We stayed at Hotel Finca los Glorias which was a cute hotel situated right on the lake. It was nice to get away from the traffic, barking dogs and roosters in Comayagua. The lake was beautiful and we really wanted to go for a swim, however we were advised against swimming since there are crocodiles who live in the lake and aren't so friendly.
Hotel Finco los Glorias has a beautiful suspension bridge with a gazebo on the other side. The bridge was rickety and old that swings and sways while you are on it and as the sign below reads, you are responsible if there is an accident! (the sign also says not to ride the horse across the bridge!)

We spent a couple of hours playing pool and Nikki refined her amazing under the leg shot. That evening we played Yahtzee while a HUGE thunderstorm struck the lake, the thunder and lightning were so close and the rain poured down flooding Brett and Nikki's hotel room.

Below is a photo of the most peculiar plant we have ever seen. When you touch its leaves it folds itself up and closes its leaves together. We were highly amused by the plant and it kept us busy for a long time.
Not too far from the Hotel is the Pulaphanzak Waterfalls, a beautiful cascading waterfall that was absolutely breathtaking. There were zip-line tours and tours behind the waterfall, but we opted to do a small hike down a path to get a better view of the falls. We watched someone cliff jumping near the bottom of the falls (a little too risky for us, but it was fun to watch him). Near the top of the falls there is an area to swim, but it smelled like cow manure and nastiness so we decided not to go in the water.