Tina, Nikki, Brett

Tina, Nikki, Brett
First weekend away in Tela

Tuesday 30 March 2010

Our First Two Weeks

Well guys, we finally made it! It only took 3 days of traveling eight separate flights and a night alone for Tina in Tegucigalpa. It was well worth it though, after the 3 hour drive from Tegucigalpa to Comayagua we settled into Hotel Quan which would be our home for the next two weeks. Our roomates were the gekos and our alarm clock was the roosters who didn't understand the concept of crowing at SUNRISE not before. The Quan family has been amazing and have helped us at every step. Coming from snow and winter to a climate of high humidity and high temps we found it necessary to take plenty of siestas. The food is beyond awesome, we have been eating a lot of beans, fried plantains (Tinas new favorite), rice and carne asada (meat), even with the huge portions we have somehow managed to slim down and chisel our already buff bodies.

Things that are different here:
1. There are armed security guards outside nearly every business
2. There is a water shortage so EVERYONE drinks pop - so buy your stock in pepsi or coke!
3. There is no hot water so the shower heads (aka "the widow makers") have electricity hooked directly to them, warning, don't touch the shower head while the waters on! could be a shocking experience!
4. Toilet paper is readily available, however the water pressure is so low the waste paper goes in the trash, so if you run out of toilet paper you always know where more is, recycle right?
5. The rules of the road are as follows, if you are a pedestrian GET OUT OF THE WAY! Cars have the right of way, and the bigger car you have the more 'right of way' you have

That's to sum it up for now, but more to come this week, we'll keep you posted!


  1. Yea! I am so glad to hear about this! Tell me about the clinic, how does it work? Are you bringing in the big bucks like everyone else back here? HA HA HA! ; )

  2. Ha!! This makes me so happy! I miss your faces. I'm sorry to hear about the toilet paper situation (there is a limit to how much bonding a person can take) but not nearly as sorry as I am to hear about the water/soda (pop) situation--you may think I don't have my priorities straight, but that's just who I am. Continue to keep us posted on all the goings on... the clinic, the mosquitoes, Brett's relationship with the sun... and we will continue to send you warm wishes and om shanti. Love you guys!

    PS David says hi too. He's cooking chicken dinner...wish you could stop by for a bite.
    PPS one sentence update: We are not moving to Santa Fe

  3. Hey Tina this sounds amazing I hope that you continue to make such a difference there! Can't wait to hear more!

  4. Glad you are having so much fun!! Thanks so much for the update! Keep them coming! We love you!
    ~Jessica :)

  5. I'm so glad you guys started a blog, so we can all follow you on your journey in Honduras:) I can't wait to read more:) xox
